Site icon Zach Messler

Here’s a practical way to find your voice.

There’s a ton of writing advice out there that tells you to find your own voice.

That’s all well and good…except for one thing.

Little of it tells you HOW to find your voice, and even less tells you how without a bunch of time-consuming and/or confusing steps.

There’s got to be a better way, right?!

  • What if finding your voice was so easy you could just do it?
  • What if there was a simple way to write better and faster with more clarity?
  • And, what if you already knew how?

In other words…

What if you already knew your voice, and all you had to do was uncover it?

Here’s what I do all the time to make writing blog posts (and other content, too) faster and easier.

Next time you set out to write something, try this first:

  1. Pull out your phone.
  2. Open a recording or transcription app.
  3. Press record.
  4. Start talking about your subject.
  5. Press stop when you’re done.

Just talk. Speak for as long as you need to or want to.

Whatever’s in your brain? Just get it out.

Keep talking until you feel like you’ve hit the core of your blog post, article, brochure, story, whatever it is…

Once you feel you have the core of it? Stop. 

It might take 20 seconds. It might take three minutes. It might take longer.

It does not matter how long this takes. Transcribe your recording.

Transform your words from the app to your screen.

iPhone on Table

Side note on speech-to-text:

Try It’s a fantastic app for your phone and your laptop.

AND…you can transcribe up to 600 minutes a month for FREE.

I get nothing from making this recommendation…I simply think it is a great app!


You now have your raw ideas IN YOUR VOICE!


  • Edit.
  • Make it flow.

Now, you’re no longer staring at the screen thinking, “Well crap…I wanted to write about [fill in any subject here], but where do I start? What do I write?”

Instead, you have a real basis for something your own.

Look. I get it. Different types of writing call for different approaches. And, this advice is not about a writing voice in a traditional sense.

So what is it? A practical way to get more comfortable with your own voice and let the brand of you become more effortless to create.

If you take these steps, you’ll find writing in your distinct voice easier.

While you’ll find the final result won’t match exactly what you said, it’s gonna be close.

It’s going to sound like you, and, it’s going to be in your voice because…

It is quite literally in YOUR VOICE!

— — —

As promised, here’s the original draft of this post.

It’s not perfect, but it’s (quite literally) in my voice! 

And…it took me less than three and a half minutes…during drive time!



I'd love your feedback!

After you have a chance to try this approach, I'd LOVE to hear your questions and thoughts.

Click that big button below, and set up a quick Zoom session.

We'll talk tips about what more you can do to find your voice! 


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